The SPM-D11 Series are microprocessor-based synchronizers designed for use on one- or three-phase AC generators equipped with Woodward or other compatible speed controls and automatic voltage regulators. The SPM-D11 Series synchronizers provide automatic frequency, phase, and voltage matching, using either analog or discrete output bias signals. It combines synchronizing for one circuit breaker, load and power factor control, or isochronous load sharing and generator protection.
Features include:
Synchronization for one circuit breaker
Phase match or slip frequency synchronization with voltage matching
Outputs for speed and voltage bias signals
Active power and power factor control
Two analog load share lines for active and re-active power load sharing
Analog input to control active power set point externally
Generator protection included
Discrete inputs for operating mode selection
Two-line liquid crystal text display for operation, alarm indication, and visualization of measuring values
LED synchroscope
PC and front panel configurable