CoderSim 3.00.5
Codersims are created when we need to either fix bugs or add features that were not included in the official release of a Coder for simulation. These coders will create code for simulation only. The official coder must also be installed.
Always install this after the released GAP/Coder is installed.
The install folder for this install kit needs to be the same folder that contains the Woodward Coder files for Coders 6.00 and older. This is usually c:\gap_cdr. If Coders 6.00 or older are not installed leave this folder at the default.
System Requirements:
Computer with Woodward GAP/Coder installed.
One these versions of Microsoft Visual Studio:
Visual Studio 2013 For Windows Desktop - Express or Professional
Use the install defaults
Visual Studio 2015 For Windows Desktop Professional or Enterprise
Choose the custom install
Add "Programming Languages\Visual C++ options"
Add "Windows and Web Devlopment\Tools(1.4.1) and Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393)"
Visual Studio 2017 Professional or Enterprise
Add "Desktop development with C++"
Add "Windows 8.1 SDK and UCRT SDK"
Add "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0)" or latest
Visual Studio 2019 Professional or Enterprise - Not supported in older coders
Add "Desktop development with C++"
Add "C++/CLI Support for v142 build tools"
Add "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.22000.0)" or latest
Visual Studio 2022 Professional or Enterprise - Not supported in older coders
Add "Desktop development with C++"
Add "C++/CLI Support for v143 build tools ..."
Add "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)" or latest
Installation Instructions:
Run the install program.
For using Codersims with GAP 2.18, add this line to your gap.mnu file in your gap_cdr folder.
1 Code for &NetSim Coder in CoderSim folder= "c:\gap_cdr\CoderSim\coder%rsim" %c SIMULATE