

    ToolKit is a Windows® desktop program that supports the rapid development and hosting of user-friendly interface tools for Woodward electronic products. Interface tools can be created for many different functions such as service, configuration, commissioning, calibration, testing or operation. These interfaces allow viewing/editing of control values using many different visual components such as text boxes, gauges, bar charts, trend charts, etc.

    ToolKit is designed specifically to interface with Woodward products including programmable (GAP™ / MotoHawk) and non-programmable controls. It supports communications via RS-232/-422/-485 serial, CAN, or Ethernet TCP/IP networks.

    ToolKit is ideal for Woodward electronic product users that need cost-effective and easy-to-use software interface tools or operator control panels.


    • Basic license is included free of charge in the ToolKit download. Depending on the level of security designed in, it allows users the ability to work with existing ToolKit-created tools to configure, calibrate, monitor, and troubleshoot their Woodward-based product.
    • Advanced license (part number 8447-5002) includes the following:
      • All the features of the Basic license
      • Unlimited plots per trend chart and trend on the fly windows
      • Unlimited data log view plots
      • Unlimited calculated plots
      • Export all data logged parameters to a test file even if not charted
    • Developer license (part number 8928-5016) includes all the features of the Advanced license as well as the ability to create and edit custom ToolKit tools.
    Watch the video tutorial for Authorizing a License for more information.

    ver. 7.3.1 Release Notes

    Bug fixes related to ver. 7.3

    • Large 2D lookup tables take a long time to open in the settings editor.
    • Bug in SID document selection mechanism.
    • Toolkit is "saving" for more than 1 hour while task manager shows 0% for Toolkit.
    • Unable to open *.wset files using ToolKit Automation.
    • 3D Charts not showing in quick tools.
    • Help video links are broken for Quick tools.
    • Validation against schema failed for settings file.


    ver. 7.3 Release Notes

    Feature Highlights

    Create a Settings File from Existing

    You can now create a new settings file from the parameters of one or more source settings files. You can also remove settings from an existing settings file. This replaces the partial settings creation window.

    Support for Control Assistant Tune Files

    Added the ability to open Control Assistant tune files (*.tc). After opening the file, all the normal settings functions can be performed. Saving a .tc file can be saved as a .wset file only as ToolKit will not support saving to the .tc format going forward.

    Change Sort Order of Generic Settings Editor

    Removed the settings editor tree view and sort settings by name. Adding new settings keeps them in the proper order. The order can be changed by clicking on other column headers. Clicking column headers, toggles between ascending and descending order.

    Filter Settings in Generic Settings Editor

    Added the ability to filter settings by identifier, based on filter text entered into the generic settings editor. The settings listing shrinks the list of settings based on matching the identifier to the entered text.

    Custom Tool Validation in Design Mode

    Tool developers can now run tool validation rules against their custom tool to find and fix potential issues. Rules can be turned on and off as desired. The validation can be found in the Design Tools Window on a new tab named "Validation".

    Support for Large Settings Files

    ToolKit can now better handle settings files with a large number of settings (> 65K settings).

    System Requirements:

    • Microsoft Windows® 11, 10, 8.1, 7, Vista (32- & 64-bit)
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2  
    • 1GHz or faster x86 or x64 processor
    • 1GB of RAM
    • Minimum 1024 by 768 pixel screen resolution
    • Appropriate communication hardware (e.g. Serial Port, CAN adapter, Ethernet)
    • IXXAT or Kvaser CAN adapter and driver as appropriate

    ToolKit requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework be installed. The ToolKit installation will attempt to install the .NET Framework from the Internet; but you can also obtain the .NET Framework Redistributable package from the link below.

    Click here for the .NET Framework Redistributable Package.

    Installation Instructions:

    1. The first step in installing ToolKit is to download the file from this page. This file is an installation program that will step you through the installation process.
    2. After downloading this file, run it and follow the instructions on the setup dialogs.

    To verify the integrity of the downloaded file, use one of the hashing algorithms to compare against the hashes below.

    MD5 Hash: B01B8A4AB48F349E30E9EB3E66DD8DA7
    SHA1 Hash: 

    Watch the Setting up ToolKit video for more information.



    30.1 MB