Flight Deck Controls


We provide passive and fully digital interface autothrottle units with motorized back-driven levers. Our extensive heritage of throttle and autothrottle line replaceable units (LRU) range from single-engine single lever to four-engine quad lever solutions for any commercial or military application, fixed wing and rotorcraft.
Features & Benefits Highlights
- Patented, adjustable friction, non-stick artificial feel
- Grip assemblies with custom high-grade leather inserts
- Pull Through and Piggyback thrust reverse systems
- Multi-channel, redundant, on-axis position sensors
- Custom switch arrangements for autothrottle disconnect, take-off go around, fuel supply
- Solenoid actuated thrust reverser lockouts
- Integral motor drivers and digital interfaces
- Curtain slot covers for FOD protection
- Custom lighted panels and detent positions
Yaw and Brake Pedals
We are at the forefront of reliable pedal designs with advanced technology options for the most demanding applications. We offer a full suite of customized rudder and brake pedal assemblies specifically suited for both fixed-wing and rotorcraft applications.

Features & Benefits Highlights
- Optimal designs can be mounted to the bulkhead, above the floor, or below the floor.
- Line replaceable units (LRUs) feature the same baseline multi-channel brushless position sensors as featured in our other leading controls
- Pedal designs typically feature electronic trim adjustment, motor driven pilot adjustment, as well as brake transducers
- Low profile designs specifically crafted for smaller rotorcraft applications ensure full pilot vision out of the nose of the vehicle.
- Advanced technology options for the most demanding applications.
Side Sticks

Electromechanical fly-by-wire cockpit controls are used in business jets, commercial transports, rotorcraft, and military aircraft throughout the world. We take a modular design approach to side sticks and can supply both Active and Passive designs to meet customers’ performance, ergonomic, and aesthetic needs.
Features & Benefits Highlights
- Our Side Stick controls are used for aircraft and refueling directional control and designed to FAR/JAR 25 requirements with the highest safety and reliability standards
- Our line of sensors, motors, and electronics create optimum performance in small packages, with ultimate control in performance and quality
- The premier choice for man-machine interfaces
Cockpit Levers, Trims, and Tillers
Complement other cockpit controls with the same look and feel across the entire flight deck. Whether flap/slat levers, spoiler levers, landing gear levers, trims, or nose wheel steering,

Features & Benefits Highlights
- Each device features the same reliable sensors and gearing for the perfect ergonomic feel without backlash
- One-stop-shop for a uniform cockpit look and feel