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MotoService Version

MotoService is a service tool for diagnosing and updating modules in the field. MotoService contains two applications: MotoViewer and MotoUpdate.
MotoViewer is used for viewing .DIS files generated in MotoTune. These .DIS files provide a service screen to look at items on a module
MotoUpdate is a way to update a module in the field using .MFU files. This allows the controlled update of software in the field.  There is also a license option which will allow for MotoUpdate to reprogram a module using .SRZ files.

System Requirements:

  • Pentium® III 667 MHz PC
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • Windows® 7, or 10, or greater


Installation Instructions:

  1. The first step in installing is to download the file from this page. This file is an installation program that will step you through the installation process.
  2. Uninstall Previous Versions with Windows Add/Remove Programs
  3. After downloading this file, run it and follow the instructions on the setup dialogs.


Item Name Version Size
99.88 MB