Atlas Control Service Packs
This service pack is for an AtlasPC™ VxWorks Control with a 8273-2xx series part number. This Service Pack will upgrade the operating system on a 8273-2xx series control to the operating system used on a 8273-4xx series control.The operating system part number is 5418-2073, this part number can be seen with AppManager using the Control Information button.
This release replaces DCOM and OPC on the control with the Woodward Servlink OPC Server.
The files in this footprint require the use of AppManager 2.4, GAP 2.16, WWII 2.5 and coder 3.06-1 or higher
System Requirements:
- Pentium® 133 MHz PC
- 32 MB of RAM
- Windows® 98, NT 4.0, 2000, XP or greater
Installation Instructions:
- The first step in installing
is to save the file from this page. - After downloading this file, run AppManager and select "Control/Install Service Pack...". You will have an opportunity to select the file in a browse dialog.